Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wanna Change the Results???

As I get ready to leave 2010 behind, I've taken time to look back over this year and man there is alot of stuff I wish I'd done differently...wish I could hit the "redo" button. That's not possible though. I can't change what's happened in the past no matter how long ago it was-10 years, 10 months, or 10 minutes ago. Even worse, what I realize is I am saying alot of the same things this year as I did in 2009- "I don't wanna be doing this same thing next year" And what did I do alot of the same junk and you know what I got? The same dissatisfiying results. So how do I change this viscious cycle? How do I get different results next year? How do I prevent me sitting in this same place next year? As I was thinking on this it hit me. If you want different results, you have to change what you're doing that brings those results. It's kinda like when you have an injury and you say if I move this way it hurts and you do it, but you keep moving in the way that brings pain. JUST STOP MOVING THAT WAY!!! So if you're like me, and completely dissatisfied with the way your life is going then change it. I understand there are lots of things in life that we have absolutely no control over, but there are plenty of things we can control. So if you wanna see different results in the year 2011 change what you're doing to get the results. Maybe it means taking your personal prayer, bible study and worship time to the next level or getting more involved in ministry. Maybe it means breaking out of the complacency that grips our lives or the fear of failure that keeps us from even trying to succeed. Just break it! It's possible to get new results. With the help of the Holy Spirit anything is possible. Phil. 4:13-"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." I pray we all do what we have to in order to take our walk with God to the next level & being the Christian that isn't satisfied with just having our ticket to Heaven, but be the Christ follower who wants to take everyone with him. Press On this year to what God has for you. Make it a year of pressing. Don't quit! Don't give up! Just keep pressing.
I pray everyone has a blessed and victorious 2011. God is good even when everything around us is bad.

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