Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Answer Will Come, But Only In His Time...

Have you ever been at a time in your life that you are praying and waiting for God to do a certain work in your life? The easy part is praying. The hard part is waiting...just standing still & doing nothing to try to fix it myself. It's so easy to try to take matters into my own hands & do it myself, but I always make a bigger mess of things. God told Moses, when he led the people of Israel to the Red Sea & Pharoah's army was closing in, "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." It sounds so easy. That's where I have a hard time with it. "This is a complex situation in my life & you're telling me that all I have to do is stand still & it's all gonna fall into place?" Yeah! That's exactly what God continues to tell us. It's all in having faith. The same way having the faith to do something as simple as asking Jesus to forgive your sins and come into your heart saves your soul from hell. We make things harder than God made them to be. All he ask is that we trust him & believe he is working everything out for our best interest...that in his perfect timing the perfect answer & provision for every situation and circumstance will be there. In Ephesians 6 the Apostle Paul told us that when we've done everything we can just stand.
The video below is a song that I've loved for years, but I have appreciated it on a much higher level lately. I'm going through a trying time in my life & it would be much easier to do things the way I always have but instead I am learning to "Stand Still & Let God Move"...So enjoy this song by The Isaacs, "Stand Still.''

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